“How Esther Hoier Built Her Wealth: Unveiling the Surprising Net Worth of this Rising Star Investment Coach” 

 April 25, 2023


Building wealth is a dream many people cherish, but few realize. Esther Hoier, a rising star investment coach, is one of the few women who has successfully built a fortune from scratch. She has a net worth of $10 million, a feat that many people find surprising, given her humble background.

In this blog post, we will delve into the life of Esther Hoier, and uncover how she built her wealth. We will explore her journey, her guiding principles, and the decisions she took that made all the difference. Our aim is to inspire and motivate readers who wish to build their wealth, and provide an insight into the mind of a successful investor.

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Section 1: Early Life

Esther Hoier was born in a small town in southern California, where she lived with her parents and four siblings. Her parents were hardworking, but their earnings were not always enough to make ends meet. Consequently, Esther had to start working at an early age, doing odd jobs like babysitting, cleaning, and selling candy.

Esther’s parents instilled in her a work ethic that has stayed with her to date. They encouraged her to work hard and pursue her dreams, no matter the odds. Esther’s childhood experiences taught her to be resourceful and to live within her means. These skills helped her when she started her journey as an investor.

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Section 2: Education and Career

Esther Hoier attended a community college, where she studied finance. She excelled in her studies, graduating with top honors. After college, she worked in several financial institutions, where she gained experience in various aspects of investment, including risk management, portfolio analysis, equity research, and financial planning.

Despite her successful career, Esther felt unfulfilled. She wanted to help ordinary people build wealth, but felt that the traditional investment industry was not meeting these needs effectively. As a result, she left her job in 2015 and started her investment coaching business.

Section 3: Investment Philosophy

Esther Hoier’s investment philosophy is based on two principles: long-term thinking and diversification. She believes that investing is a marathon, not a sprint, and that investors should aim to hold their assets for the long haul. This approach allows investors to reap the benefits of compounding and reduce the impact of short-term market volatility.

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Diversification, according to Esther, is essential in reducing investment risk. She advises her clients to invest in a broad range of assets, including stocks, bonds, real estate, and commodities. This approach helps to minimize the impact of any one asset class on an investor’s portfolio, reducing the risk of significant losses.

Section 4: Coaching Business

Esther Hoier’s coaching business has grown rapidly since its inception in 2015. She has helped hundreds of clients achieve their financial goals through her coaching programs, which offer personalized advice and support. Her clients range from young professionals just starting their careers to retirees looking to protect their wealth.

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Esther’s coaching business has been successful because of her unique approach. She provides her clients with a holistic view of their financial situation, taking into account their goals, risk appetite, and lifestyle preferences. Her coaching programs are tailored to each client’s needs, ensuring that they receive personalized advice and support.

Section 5: Real Estate Investments

Esther Hoier’s success as an investor is not limited to coaching. She has also invested heavily in real estate, owning several properties across the United States. Her real estate investments have been a significant source of wealth, allowing her to diversify her portfolio and generate passive income.

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Esther’s approach to real estate investing is similar to her investment philosophy. She aims to hold her properties for the long term, focusing on cash flow and capital appreciation. She also invests in a broad range of properties, including commercial and residential real estate, to reduce investment risk.

Section 6: Philanthropy

Esther Hoier’s success as an investor has not made her forget the less fortunate. She is actively involved in charitable activities, donating a significant portion of her wealth to various causes. Her philanthropic efforts are focused on education, health, and poverty alleviation.

Esther’s philanthropy is a reflection of her values. She believes that everyone should have access to education and healthcare, regardless of their financial circumstances. She also recognizes the importance of giving back to society and using her wealth for the greater good.

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Section 7: 7 FAQs

  • 1) What is Esther Hoier’s net worth?
  • Esther Hoier’s net worth is $10 million.

  • 2) What is Esther Hoier’s investment philosophy?
  • Esther Hoier’s investment philosophy is based on long-term thinking and diversification.

  • 3) What does Esther Hoier’s coaching business offer?
  • Esther Hoier’s coaching business offers personalized coaching programs to help clients achieve their financial goals.

  • 4) What is Esther Hoier’s approach to real estate investing?
  • Esther Hoier’s approach to real estate investing is to focus on long-term cash flow and capital appreciation, diversifying her portfolio across different property types.

  • 5) What causes does Esther Hoier support through charitable donations?
  • Esther Hoier supports causes related to education, health, and poverty alleviation, among others.

  • 6) What distinguishes Esther Hoier’s coaching business from traditional investment services?
  • Esther Hoier’s coaching business offers personalized advice and support tailored to each client’s needs, focusing on a holistic view of their financial situation.

  • 7) What was Esther Hoier’s motivation for leaving her job to start her coaching business?
  • Esther Hoier felt unfulfilled in her career and wanted to help ordinary people build wealth more effectively than traditional investment services allowed.

Section 8: Conclusion

Esther Hoier’s journey from humble beginnings to millionaire investment coach is an inspiration to many. Her success is a testament to her hard work, determination, and unique approach to investing. Esther’s investment philosophy, coaching business, real estate investments, and philanthropy all reflect her values of hard work, long-term thinking, and doing good in the world.

As Esther Hoier says, “Building wealth is not about luck, it’s about making smart decisions and working hard to achieve your goals. Anyone can build wealth if they have the right approach and mindset.” We hope that Esther’s story has inspired you to take the first step towards building your wealth and achieving financial freedom.

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